Anfrage einreichen

What region does your merchant operate in?

Fill in any details related to your question here. Please be as specific as possible.

If your affiliate network is not listed, please select Other and indicate which network you work with in the Details section.

Name of the affiliate network you use

for example

The domain of the publisher committing the violation

The url the ad goes to on the publisher page.

most recent date you have seen the brand bidding

Program ID as shown in the affiliate network.

Provide a brief description of your business, highlighting key features, products, or services you offer.

Let us know if you have any specific filters for publishers. For example, Give Back, BIPOC-Owned, Female Founded/Owned, Direct to Consumer, Eco/Sustainable.

Do you want to include with coupon publishers in your Skimlinks program

Check box if you do not want to work with coupon publishers

CPA Increase end date

Percentage or Fixed value

New rate

Current rate

What publisher country or countries is this rate available to

Any best selling featured or new products, coupons, sales, announcements and or promotions linked to this rate change. Please feel free to attach any materials to this ticket.

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